Core Guiding Question
What is Excellent STEM Teaching?
In order to create a certification program for STEM teaching we began with two essential questions. The
first of these is, “What is STEM?” We answer that question in three fundamental ways: the elements of STEM,
how those elements interrelate, and how those elements relate to the learner and the world at large.
First, STEM is an acronym for four different fields, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
These are the elements of STEM education and all teaching and learning in STEM is related to building
capacity in these areas. Second is the interrelationship of these elements. While each one is something
distinct, these fields are not treated as wholly separate entities. STEM education seeks to take advantage
of the similarities and interplay of skills and knowledge among these fields to weave together a rich and
meaningful learning environment. Lastly, STEM teaching is dedicated to engaging
students in ways that other areas cannot, in order to develop unique cognitive skills, habits of mind, and
attitudes that will benefit learners throughout their lives. STEM teaching also recognizes that a learner
who masters the STEM curriculum is uniquely empowered to enter into the world of the 21st century.
The second question we need to answer when developing a STEM teaching program is, “What constitutes
excellent STEM teaching?” Answering this question entails determining what excellent teaching in general
is, as well as the ways in which excellent teaching in a STEM classroom might be different from a non-STEM
classroom. The final list of teaching practices we developed show a clear progression from the general—those
teacher actions that are effective in any classroom—to those teacher actions that are more specifically
appropriate in the STEM classroom.
Overall Structure
The 15 teacher actions selected for our NISE Foundational STEM certificate are organized into three domains.
These domains reflect three big ideas that we believe are essential for effective STEM teaching. They are
Creating an Environment for Learning, Building Scientific Understanding, and Engaging Students in Science
and Engineering Practices. The teacher actions reflect not only these three big ideas, but also the guiding
principles outlined above. Further, these actions are themselves broken down into thirty-nine indicators
that form the basic structure of the certificate program.
The Three Domains & Actions of STEM Teaching
Domain 1
Creating an Environment for Learning
E-1 Creating a Positive Classroom Culture
The classroom environment must be a safe place for students, so that
they feel comfortable
taking risks and engaging in the learning experience. This teacher action includes all those
practices that encourage a positive relationship between the teacher and the student,
between students, and extends to the wider community.
E-2 Establishing Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is an essential component of a classroom that
seeks to develop social
and interpersonal skills in students. This teacher action includes the practices that infuse
collaboration into the learning environment.
E-3 Integrating Technology
Technology is an unavoidable part of modern society. The ubiquity of
technology requires a
citizenry familiar with various forms of technology and the ability to select, evaluate and
effectively apply them. This teacher action includes those practices in which the teacher
not replace instruction with technology, but rather leverages technology to enhance
E-4 Connecting Learning Outside the Classroom
One of the essential goals of education is to prepare students for
the world outside the
classroom. In addition to preparing students, making connections to the real world provides
students with a framework for demonstrating the relevance of their learning. This teacher
action includes those practices that encourage students to see the connection between the
content of the classroom and the world outside the school.
Domain 2
Building Scientific Understanding
U-1 Implementing Inquiry
A lifelong learner is one who is able to generate and answer
their own questions. Creating this
kind of learner requires experience with all aspects of inquiry. This teacher action
those practices that de-emphasize the role of the teacher as a central repository of
and increase the role of the student as a participant in and architect of their own
U-2 Addressing Student Misconceptions
It is impossible for students to integrate a new concept if it
conflicts with an established
mental construct. An important first step to learning is breaking down misconceptions.
teacher action includes those practices that assist students in identifying their
so that they can begin to construct a more accurate understanding.
U-3 Facilitating Questioning and Discourse
An essential aspect of facilitating student understanding is
insight into student thinking. This
insight is best provided by observing how students are able to communicate their
This teacher action includes those practices related to effective questioning and
meaningful communication that establish what students know and are able to do.
U-4 Utilizing Assessment
Assessment that informs instruction is essential if teachers are
to select and implement
learning experiences that lead to student understanding. This teacher action includes
practices that implement authentic assessment strategies allowing teachers to use data
improve learning opportunities.
U-5 Building Scientific Literacy
The field of science has its own set of skills and knowledge. As
science continues to play a
greater role in society, the need to be scientifically literate is increasingly
important. This
teacher action includes those practices that promote in students the skills of
scientists and scientifically literate citizens.
Domain 3
Engaging Students in Scientific and Engineering Practices
P-1 Cultivating Scientific Investigations
The skills inherent in designing and implementing a scientific
investigation are applicable to
many situations outside of the science classroom. Skills such as observing, asking
collecting and analyzing data and drawing and communicating reasonable conclusions are
important to all individuals. This teacher action includes those practices that help
develop the skills associated with scientific investigation.
P-2 Developing Engineering Solutions
The skills used by engineers to identify and solve problems are
useful well beyond the
science classroom and an important part of being able to function in and contribute
to society. This teacher action includes those practices that immerse students in the
iterative engineering design process.
P-3 Fostering Data Utilization
Within the science classroom, as well as in the real world, the
ability to analyze and communicate
the conclusions drawn from data is essential. This teacher action includes those
practices that develop the mathematical and communication skills that allow students to
qualitatively and quantitatively analyze data and explain its meaning.
P-4 Implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Project-Based Learning (PBL) not only more accurately reflects the
nature of how skills are
applied in the real world, it also creates a learning environment more likely to engage
students. This teacher action includes those practices related to the implementation of
A necessary characteristic of PBL is that it promotes mastery of the content and process
standards using an integrated and holistic approach.
P-5 Developing Scientific Explanations
A fully literate person needs to be able to effectively state a
claim, cite appropriate evidence,
and connect the evidence to the claim using reason (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning, CER). In
addition to representing an important group of skills, CER is an invaluable form of
assessment in the science classroom. This teacher action includes those practices that will
develop in students the ability to use the CER method.
P-6 Promoting Scientific Argumentation
Scientific argumentation is essential not only to scientific
thinking, but also to making sense
of the world in general. In addition, when students engage in scientific argumentation,
teachers gain unique insight into their understanding. This teacher action includes those
practices that facilitate the mastery of skills associated with following a line of
reasoning and
identifying its strengths and weaknesses.